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Here Are Links to our Policies:

Code of Conduct:

Photo Policy:
Covid Policy


You can also view our Policies Below or on the relevant tab.

Code of Conduct
East Bay Fusion is located in a neighborhood.  This means that we ask you to please use your library voices when exiting the venue. Please park respectfully and legally.
The Omni Commons also supports many non-profits all of which share the space with us.  Please do not interfere with any such non-profits or representatives of the Omni Collective.


East Bay Fusion stands against any form of harassment, verbal abuse, unwanted physical contact, or any other form of unwanted attention.  We will both ask offenders to stop and remove people when deemed necessary.

Drug Use
Due to consent boundaries and safety issues we have a zero tolerance policy for intoxicants and recreational drugs. Anyone dancing while intoxicated will be removed.

Physical Boundaries
Dancing includes physical contact and thus there is often an expectation of contact to be acceptable. Please remember that each person’s body is their own and thus they may chose the ways in which their body may be touched. Please remember to ask for consent and listen to feedback. In addition, touching of private areas, neck, and thighs will always be considered inappropriate due to risk of offense/injury.

Dress code
We at East Bay Fusion encourage everyone to dress in whatever manner you so desire ignoring gender norms and outside opinions. We do require that both the chest and private regions be covered and that you restrict noticeable scents natural or artificial to a minimum.  For safety, stilettos and high-heeled shoes are banned.

Asking for dances
This is a social venue and thus any person regardless of skill level, perceived social status or gender norms may ask any other person to dance. When asking for dances please wait for an answer and do not assume lead/follow.

Respecting No
Every individual always has the right to say no without explanation or obligation.  Do not feel that you are owed an explanation or that you are obligated to give one.   If the same dancer has refused you repeatedly do not force the issue.  Simply wait for them to ask you instead.

Physical Safety
Dancing is not without risk but it is the duty of everyone to follow safe dancing practices.  Using force to move your partner can often lead to injury.  Remember to move at or below the speed of connection to prevent jerking or overwhelming your partner’s frame.  While mistakes on the dance floor do happen we would like to minimize them.  Avoid unsafe practices such as moving yourself or your partner into a space you are not looking at, styling arms or elbows outside you frame of vision, or leading your partner in ways you cannot control. 

Lifts and Dips
Moves in which your partner shares weight with you or is lifted off the ground are inherently dangerous.  Please ask your partner for consent before attempting either.   Moves in which a partner becomes inverted or goes above shoulder level are banned.

Please do not give feedback or try to “teach” on the floor unless solicited. We encourage everyone to ask for feedback from their partners but no one is obligated to give or receive feedback if they are not comfortable with it. If you are being injured or made uncomfortable by a dance move please do tell your partner, if you are uncomfortable doing so speak to a host about the problematic move/dancer. 

The hosts of East Bay Fusion will enforce this policy through warnings, feedback, expulsion and when deemed necessary semi permanent/permanent banning, or contacting law enforcement. Thank you for working with us to make East Bay Fusion a safe space for everyone.

Photo Policy
To help protect the feel and privacy of the dance venue there are the following restrictions:

  • No visible spectrum flash photography.​

  • Photographers must check in at the front desk and identify themselves at the middle break to allow any person in attendance to opt out.

  • Any person may chose to opt out by simply letting the photographer know. Any photographing of said person must stop and any photo including them must be deleted.

  • Photos used for professional purposes must be posted to the Facebook page to allow any person recognizable in the photo to request its removal and deletion.

  • If you want to take personal photos do not take them facing the dance floor or including other parties.

Failure to comply with these rules may result in the removal of any photographing privilege and/or ban from the venue.

East Bay Fusion (EBF) Covid Policy

Update Nov 7th, 2023: Masks are not required at East Bay Fusion. We ask that you please continue best consent practices with all dancers including their masking preferences.

We will continue to provide free masks at the door for those who may desire them.


  • Must be two (2) weeks past completion of primary vaccine series (minimum 2 shots)

  • Must Have Booster 6 months+ after receiving primary vaccine series.

To verify your vaccination status, we will scan your Qr code when you get in the door if it is your first time.  Otherwise we should have your approval status saved.  Please provide updated vaccination info if you have added an additional booster in the current year.  We do not accept vaccine cards by default so please get in touch regarding verification if you don't have something that we can scan or are from a country with other verification methods.

We will check your ID every time you come to confirm your previously provided vaccine verification.

Covid is a risk and we still want to dance.  That means doing your part by staying home when you are not feeling well.  Please let us know if you test positive within 3 days after any EBF event.  If you tested positive, do not attend any EBF event until you have completed CDC guidelines for isolation, are symptom free, and no longer contagious.  

EBF will do our part by monitoring exposure levels and notifying everyone in attendance if there has been an exposure.  We can't prevent transmission in such a high risk environment but we will monitor the situation and be up front about our requirements as we slowly work our way out of this pandemic.

©2024 by East Bay Fusion

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